
Debut EP & Single "The Way Back" out now!

By Arc Eris

Debut EP & Single "The Way Back" out now!

Set the Sun - In Absentia Vol.1 - Album Art

Finally, the day has arrived - our first EP, "In Absentia Vol.1" is out. It includes a new music video for our 3rd single, "The Way Back", feat. TELLE and DJ Lethal.  Btw, the artwork was designed by the one and only Ryan Clark of Demon Hunter, who also features on the song "Invisible". 

We hope you enjoy!

- Arc &  Eris

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2nd Single "New Condition" Out Now

By Arc Eris

2nd Single "New Condition" Out Now

We've now released our second single, called "New Condition", which features Michael Lessard of The Contortionist on vocals, and Thomas Freckleton of Silent Planet on bass. This is also off our upcoming debut EP. You can stream it on Spotify, Apple, and all major music streaming services. 

We hope you enjoy.



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Debut Single "Invisible" Out Now!

By Arc Eris

Debut Single "Invisible" Out Now!

Set the Sun's debut single is now out! And it features Ryan Clark of Demon Hunter, and Thomas Freckleton of Silent Planet.

Check out streaming links for the songs here:

And the visualizer lyric video is here:


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Our Heavy Cover of The KID Laroi's "STAY"

By Arc Eris

Our Heavy Cover of The KID Laroi's "STAY"

We recorded a rock remix / heavy cover of The KID Laroi's "Stay", featuring Justin Bieber. Here's the music video. You can also stream it - it's out now via our Spotify channel & Apple Music channel!

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STS Inaugural Merchandise is now Live

By Arc Eris

STS Inaugural Merchandise is now Live
Check out the online store for all Set the Sun merchandise.

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By Arc Eris


Welcome to our digital home. Here you will find everything Set the Sun.

Illuminate, awaken, hail change and persevere.

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